Facebook Advertising Success (Case Study)

Would you pay $1.24 to sell your $15 product? 

That’s what happened on a recent client Facebook Ad campaign!

With a focus on conversions, it is estimated that the $750 in ad spend has resulted in over $4000 worth of sales  (which includes the purchases from our brand awareness/website traffic ads as well).

Talk about a nice Return on Investment!

(or, Return on Ad Spend in “Facebook talk” – of which averaged an ROAS of 8).

Without giving away all the secrets, some key elements to success were:

  • The clean, easy to navigate landing page / website with a clear Call to Action to purchase
  • Re-targeting website visitors and engaged Facebook fans – that weren’t already customers (otherwise we’re just wasting money advertising to people who are already purchasers!)

Talk about the power of Facebook/Instagram Advertising, folks!


Need someone to take the Facebook Advertising (or your social media entirely) off your hands? Hire a freelance Social Media Manager! For a monthly fee, you can have consistent and quality content across your social media channels – building your brand, increasing engagement, reach and enquiries. Contact me (Chelsea) for a free 15 minute call and request a quote.