Repurposing your content on social media

So you’ve written the most fantastic blog post and published it on your website. Maybe you then share it on your Facebook page. That’s it, right? All finished?

Don’t stop there!

If you’ve written a quality, valuable, insightful blog that your audience will love, you could make the most of that content, and share it on various online platforms – via repurposing and syndication.

So what exactly is this?

Spreading your message!

It’s taking your blog content and spreading that same information and message over your various social media channels and other online platforms.

I’m not talking about taking the link of your blog post and sharing it on every social media channel under the sun (which of course you can do as well). I’m talking about taking the information from within your blog post and sharing it in various forms on different digital platforms.

i.e. breaking down your blog into smaller pieces of content from within the blog – such as one bullet point or paragraph – so you have various “snacks” of content to distribute across your channels, in different forms such as imagery, carousels, videos, reels and stories with quizzes, polls and the like.

I listened to an episode of Gary Vaynerchuk’s podcast where he talks about exactly this. His podcast is one of the best in the world – yet he says he hardly ever records an episode specifically for the podcast. He strips the audio from the various interviews he does, his speaking engagements, and other media appearances – and puts these on his podcast. He then takes small video clips from these events and create short videos for his other social media channels.

Repurposing content

Which brings me to this: it’s important to repurpose the content to be appropriate for each particular platform and audience.

I don’t make a post on Instagram and have it automatically post onto Facebook. I take the time to create a native Facebook post that is better suited to the audience… and uses way less hashtags!! (if any).

Examples of repurposing and syndicating content from a blog post could be:

  • Taking your blog post and creating a short 2 minute slideshow, or video, that touches on the 5 main points of the blog. Post that video natively on Facebook and on YouTube.
  • Create an eye-catching graphic with 1 tip from the blog to post on Instagram – and do this with all 5 tips over the course of a week (interlaced with the rest of your Instagram posts to create variety). Or create a carousel with a card for each of these tips!
  • Create a Reel that gives the top 5 tips from within the blog post.
  • Do a Facebook Live talking about the information in the blog posts. Some people much prefer to digest video than read a blog! And/or if you have a podcast, talk about it on that!
  • Do a series of Instagram Stories with snippets of content from the blog and do an interactive quiz at the end.
  • Re-post it on LinkedIn. Or write a teaser of your blog within a LinkedIn pulse article, then post the link to the rest of the article on your website.
  • Create an infographic with info from the blog post and share it on Twitter.
  • Each main point from the blog post could be an individual tweet.
  • Write an newsletter outlining the content from your blog post and send it to your email list.

There are so many more ways you could do this! The only limit is your imagination.

What are the benefits?

  • Increase your reach. Getting your content on more platforms means more eyeballs to see it. Your followers may not actually follow you on every platform you’re on.
  • Your followers may also like to “digest” content in different ways. Perhaps they prefer watching stories, and hardly ever look at feed posts (or vice versa?). Perhaps they prefer reading short-form content that’s easy to swipe through in a carousel, versus watching a 2 minute video.
  • Increase brand awareness. How will people get to know you and/or your brand if you’re not getting in front of them?
  • Drive traffic back to your website/blog (if that’s where your original article is – and if that’s your goal)
  • SEO – Improve your search engine rankings with links on multiple platforms that go back to your website
  • Gives the impression of being ‘everywhere’. Not in a weird stalker-ish way. But in an authoritative ‘I know my stuff’ kinda way. And the more touch-points your potential customers have with you, the more they’ll warm to you and see you as the go-to person for whatever it is you eventually have to sell.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry – there are so many free and paid tools out there to help repurpose your content (but that’s a topic for another blog post). Plan out your content, get a calendar in place – and even better yet: get a system in place that you’ll follow for every time you write a blog post.

Now go forth and spread your message!