Facebook Ads: The 3 Most Important Parts

It’s no secret that Facebook Ads are one of the most effective (yet cost-efficient) ways to market your business nowadays – but only if done strategically!

There are 3 highly important parts of a Facebook Ad, that separate the “ok” ads from the attention-grabbing “how did they know I needed this?” ads. When these 3 parts are working together, they can produce great results for your business!


Who are you putting the ad in front of?

You need to be more specific than putting your ads front of every single person in your city above 18 years old with an interest in ‘beauty’. Hopefully your business has done some audience analysis or customer personas before, so that you can utilize this information in your targeting. Make use of the ‘Lookalike’ audiences, and you absolutely need to make use of the re-targeting features – so that you put your ads in front of people who already have had contact or exposure to your business (for example, your website traffic or video viewers). Whether you target cold or warm audiences will make a big difference to how your ad performs.


Also known as the text or the caption.

People have short attention spans so the copy needs to grab your audience’s attention – and stop them from scrolling further in their feeds! So does your copy ‘speak’ to your target audience and touch on their pain points – including emotional/psychological triggers? Does it focus on the features of your product/service, more than benefits? Have you tested different kinds of messaging? Does it have a CTA (Call to Action)?


The image/s or video used to accompany your message.

Have you tried 3+ different images to, again, test what works best, or have you only used ONE stock image that in no way is the best representation of your brand or product? Is there too much text in the image? If your image or video contains people, do these people physically represent your target audience?

Just remember that there’s no perfect ‘one-size-fits-all’ ad, so you’ll need to continuously test each of these 3 aspects, and freshen up your ads when they start to get tired. Analyse the results and optimize and scale the ads that are doing well!